That’s Flee Vol. 2: (RECAP)

Community, opportunity and connection

IF you knew how much we are learning and how fast its coming…'d be cheering for us (at least hopefully LOL!). That’s flee vol. 2 was another example of the team pushing forward towards higher destinations; engaging with new community groups, brands, platforms and individuals. From our end, its becoming apparent that:

  • small brands / business owners without brick-&-Mortars have a sincere need for experiences that offer the space and time to engage with the community and their target markets

  • The community is ravenous for unique retail experiences

  • more investment should be had into such experiences and the companies that curate them. (not just because we are one; but the ecosystem produces direct and ancillary impact that reverberates through many areas of the community.. i’e our companies, the brands & owners, their families, customers, location / placemaking, etc).

  • hampton roads seems to be an interesting case-study in noting the evolving dynamic that exists between the sub-mainstream, youth-centered, creative & influencer groups that curate such events and the governing bodies / institutions that control access to space and opportunity.

What further pathways exist for experiences like “that’s Flee” to grow? What’s the new frontier for small business retail and sales? What connections, mergers and deals need to be erected for such impactful events to carry on into the future? If its one thing you can guarantee….the klub is pushing to find out.

Check out the recap of that’s flee vol.2 below. Much love!

Good Society

Premium Creative Lifestyle Brand, dedicated to providing equity and access. International / WorldWide.

Garden of Hope Community mural project


First Class Fest (recap)